Lawn Programs

Standard Service Maintainer Program
The health of the lawn is dependent on certain basic needs. One of them is proper nutrition. This program will provide the proper amount of nutrition at the proper time.
EARLY SPRING – Fertilization; Balanced for Spring green-up with root development and increased turf density. Weed Control; Pre-Emergent control crabgrass and grassy weeds; broadleaf weed control as needed.
LATE SPRING – Fertilization; Balanced for color and strong growth. Inspection & Treatment; Pre-emergent control of crabgrass and grassy weeds, broadleaf weed and insect control as needed.
SUMMER – Fertilization; Balanced to meet lawn and seasonal weather conditions. Inspection & Treatment; Broadleaf weed control and surface feeding insect control as needed. Inspection for insect problems, cultural care recommendations to enhance lawn beauty and strength.
GRUB PREVENTION – This application will help prevent the harsh affects grubs can have on the lawn.
LATE SUMMER/EARLY FALL – Fertilization; Balanced for fall color and recovery from summer stress. Inspection & Treatment; Broadleaf weed control and surface feeding insect control as needed.
LATE FALL – Fertilization; Balanced for root development and winter hardiness.
LIME – Applied twice during the year; Spring and Fall to reach and maintain the proper pH level needed for growing healthy turf.
Hybrid Maintainer Program
When weeds and insects start to invade your turf areas, Kings Associates brings them under control with Integrated Pest Management. Using only target controls, applied only where there is a problem, we keep your lawn healthy and beautiful with an absolute minimum of pest controls for environmentally sound care.